School Council

The School Council

Central Midlands Senior High School Council acts to promote the objectives and interests of the school community, its role being to provide strategic guidance and monitoring.

The School Council participates fully in:

  • endorsing the school’s Delivery and Performance Agreement;
  • endorsing and reviewing the school budget and business plan;
  • monitoring the school’s performance;
  • endorsing the annual school report
  • advocating the interest of students and the school


The Council has a proactive role in carrying out these functions as well as reviewing and endorsing of school policies, plans and reports.

Structure of the Central Midlands Senior High School Council.

The School Council is made up of :

  • the Principal
  • Manager Corporate Services
  • at least one staff member
  • a parent member
  • members from community and business/industry


The composition of the Board reflects the diversity of the school community and members have the skills and experience required to provide sound governance and effective decision-making.

The School Council members for 2022, are:

  • Ms. Nicola Crago - Chairperson
  • Ms. Tracey Errington – P&C Chairperson
  • Ms. Trish Hewitt - Principal, Central Midlands Senior High School
  • Ms. Charlee Borinelli – Manager Corporate Service (ex-officio)
  • Ms. Tina Fledderus- Bakker - Community Member
  • Ms. Kym Reilly - Community Member
  • Ms. Marita Harris  - Community Member
  • Mr. Phil Bellamy - Community Member
  • Mrs. Marita Rozario – Teacher Representative
  • Mr. Rohan Mather – Teacher Representative